• Balgah, R.A., Ngwa, K.A., Buchenrieder, G.R. & Kimengsi, J.N. (2023). Impacts of Floods on Agriculture-Dependent Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Assessment from multiple Geo-Ecological Zones. Land, 12(334).
  • Kimengsi, J.N., Mukong, A.K., & Balgah, R.A. (2023). Actors and institutional change determinants in the Santchou Landscape of Cameroon. Environmental Development, 45(100778).
  • Bate, N.A., Balgah,R.A., & Yenshu, E.V.( 2023). Conflict and Livelihood Changes in the South West Region of Cameroon: A Social Capital Perspective. International Journal of Social Sciences Perspectives,12(1), 1-17. 45(100778). DOI: 10.33094/ijssp.v12i1.682
  • Balgah, R.A., & Kimengsi, J.N. (2022). A review of drivers of environmental non migration decisions in Africa. Regional Environmental Change,22,125.
  • Ngochembo, G. G., Balgah, R. A., & Fonteh, M. F. (2022). Determinants for adopting agricultural innovations by rice farmers in the north-west region of Cameroon. International Journal of Agricultural Extension,10(2), 325-334.DOI: 10.33687/ijae.010.02.4083
  • Kimengsi, J.N., Akumbo, C.M, Balgah, R.A., Tingum, E.N., Tume, S.J.P, & Akhere, G.S (2022). Farm-based climate adaptation dynamics: insights from the vegetable sector in the Western Highlands of Cameroon, Cogent Social Sciences,8(1), 2126452,DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2022.2126452
  • Kimengsi, J.N., Grabek , J., Giessen , L., Balgah, R.A., & Buchenrieder, G. (2022). Forest management institutions and actor-centered conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa: Contemporary realities and future avenues for research and policy.Forest Policy and Economics,144(102846).
  • Bang, H.N. & Balgah, R.A. (2022). The ramification of Cameroon’s Anglophone crisis: conceptual analysis of a looming “Complex Disaster Emergency”, Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 7(1), 1-25.
  • Balgah, R. A., Bwifon, D. N., & Shillie, P. N. (2022). COVID-19, Armed Conflict and ICTs Adoption Decisions. Insights from Cameroonian Farmers. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9(8), 12-32.
  • Ngochembo, G.G., Balgah, R.A., & Fonteh, M.F. (2022). The effects of adopting technological innovations on value chain actors in Cameroon. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 40(5),103-114. DOI: 10.9734/ajaees/2022/v40i530891
  • Shillie, P.N., Bime, M-J.E., Balgah, R.A. & Wiysherinyuy, M.L. (2022). Access to and repayment of Agricultural Credit in the face of COVID 19: A Gender Analysis in Selected Microfinance Institutions in Cameroon. Finance & Economics Review, 4(1), 1-10.
  • Kimengsi, J.N., Owusu, R., & Balgah, R.A. (2022). Nexus approach and environmental resource governance in Sub Saharan Africa: a systematic review. Sustainability Science,
  • Lizby-Joy, W. M., Balgah, A. R., Tacham, N. W., Fru, F. S., Seidou, F. M., & Njouonkou, A. L. (2022). A Plant-Based Agrobiodiversity in Home Gardens of Tubah Sub-Division, North-West Region, Cameroon: Useful plants in Tubah subdivision's homegardens. Algerian Journal of Biosciences, 3(1), 005-018.
  • Buchenrieder, G., Brandl, J., & Balgah, R.A. (2021).The Perception of Flood Risks: A Case Study of Babessi in Rural Cameroon, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 12, 1-12.
  • Kimengsi, J.N., & Balgah, R.A. (2021).Colonial hangover and institutional bricolage processes in forest use practices in Cameroon, Forest Policy and Economics,125 (102406): 1-13. https//
  • Kimengsi, J.N., Mukong, A.K., & Balgah R.A. (2020). Livelihood Diversification and Household WellBeing: Insights and Policy Implications for Forest Based Communities in Cameroon, Society and Natural Resources, 33(7), 876-895.
  • Balgah, R.A., Nji T.M, Buchenrieder, G., & Yenshu, E.V. (2020). Factors Influencing Coping Strategies for Drought-Affected Households in Northern Cameroon. Journal of Ecology and Natural Resources 4(7), 000221 (1-6).DOI: 10.23880/jenr-16000221
  • Balgah, R.A., Bomnsa, T.J., & Tchouassi, G. (2020). Does access to Microfinance minimize risks in Cameroon? Africanist Inter-Disciplinary Review 11,115-130.
  • Kimengsi, J.N, Balgah R.A,Buchenrieder, G., Silberberger, M., & Batosor, H.P. (2020). An empirical analysis of credit-financed agribusiness investments and income poverty dynamics of rural women in Cameroon, Community Development 51(1), 72-89DOI: 10.1080/15575330.2020.1716031.
  • Balgah,R.A., Neba, W.S., Fonteh, A.A., & Ngansah, N. (2019). The Impacts of Changing Land Ownership Patterns on Agricultural Production in Urbanising Spaces. The Case of Bambili and Bambui, University of Buea Journal of Applied Social Sciences (UB-JASS) 12(2), 59-78.
  • Balgah, R.A., Tatah, E.L. Nsuh K.C.and Onana, N.M.F. (2018), Toward Conventional or Organic Agriculture? A Sustainability Check from Cameroon. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 9(2): 1-14.
  • Tchouassi, G., Bomnsa, J.N., & Balgah, R.A. (2018). Capturing Risks and Potentials for Microfinance Sustainable Growth in Cameroon. European Journal of Sustainable Development 7(2),89-100. DOI:
  • Ndoh, M.I, Balgah, R.A. and Kah, E.F..(2017), From climate risk analysis to and environmental safety system in the Bamenda Highlands. World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 3(6), 449-471.
  • Kimengsi, J.N. and Balgah, R.A. (2017), Repositioning Local institutions in Natural Resource Management: Perspectives from Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Contextual Economics 137, 149-172. DOI:10.3790/schm.137.1-2.149
  • Buchenrieder, G., Mack, C., & Balgah, R.A. (2017). Human Security and the Relocation of Internally Displaced Environmental Refugees in Cameroon. Refugee Survey Quarterly 36(3),20-47. . Doi 10.1093/rsq/hdx005.s
  • Balgah, R.A., Kimengsi, J.N., Bime, M-J. W., & Forti, K. A. (2016). Farmers’ knowledge and perceptions to Climate Variability in North West Cameroon. World Journal of Social Science Research 3(3), 261-273.
  • Balgah, R.A. (2016), Applying Participatory Rural Appraisal to Unlock Gender Group Differences in Some Communities in Rural Cameroon. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology, 12(3), 1-11. .DOI: 10.9734/AJAEES/2016/28327
  • Balgah, R.A., Kimengsi, J.N., & Buchenrieder, G. (2016). Understanding and Building on Indigenous Agro-Pastoral Adaptation strategies for Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences from Rural Cameroon. Journal of Advances in Agriculture 6(1), 833-840.
  • Innocent N. M., Bitondo, D.,& Balgah, R. A. (2015). Municipal solid waste generation, composition, and management in the Douala municipality, Cameroon. Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2(4), 091-101.
  • Balgah R.A. (2014). Commercialization: An option for sustaining the nonprofit sector in developing countries. International Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2(5),69-77.doi: 10.11648/j.ijebo.20140205.11
  • Balgah, R.A., & Buchenrieder, G. (2014). The impact of Natural Disasters on Smallholder Agriculture in Rural Cameroon. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 4(3), 233-243.
  • Buchenrieder, G., & Balgah, R.A. (2013). Sustaining livelihoods around community forests. What is the role of wildlife domestication? Journal of Modern African Studies, 51(1), 57-84.https://
  • Balgah, R.A., Mbue, I. N., Buchenrieder, G., & Njoya, M.T.M. (2012). Empirical evidence of natural shocks, risk perceptions and resilience from Cameroon. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, A 2(12), 1344-1355.
  • Balgah, R.A. & Buchenrieder,G. (2011). Natural shocks and risk behavior. Experimental evidence from Cameroon. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture.
  • Balgah, R. A.& Buchenrieder, G. 2010. Does technology adoption reduce risks for smallholder farmers in Cameroon? Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences. Article No. 4974 –PJSS
  • Balgah, R. A. & Buchenrieder, G. 2010. The dynamics of informal responses to covariate shocks. Journal of Natural Resources PolicyResearch 2(4), 357-370 DOI: 10.1080/19390459.2010.511452.
  • Balgah, R.A., Valentinov, V.&Buchenrieder, G.2010. Nonprofit extension in rural Cameroon: A study of demand and supply determinants. International Journal of Social Economics 37 (5), 391-399.
  • Kanyamanda, K., Gu Y., Innocent, N.M. &, Samake, M. 2010. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System for Inferring Land Cover and Land Use Change in Wuhan (China), 1987-2006, Journal of Sustainable Development, 3(2), 221-229.
  • Innocent, N.M., Ge,J., Kasereka, K., Nowel, Y.N, &Samake M. 2009. Floristic inventory and diversity assessment of a Lowland African Montane Rainforest at Korup, Cameroon and implications for conservation. African Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2009.01176.x
  • Innocent, NM., Ge,, J. &Samake M. 2009.An assessment and evaluation of the ecological security in a human inhabited protected area at Korup, South western Cameroon: Linking satellite, ecological and human socioeconomic indicators. Journal of American Science, 2009:5(2) 43-53.
  • Innocent N.M. &Ge, J. 2008. Towards a sustainable land use option in the Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon: Implication for Climate Change Mitigation, Income Generation and Sustainable Food supply. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(1),51-65.
  • Nowel, Y. N. & Innocent, NM. 2009. Estimation for Groundwater Balance Based on Recharge and Discharge: a Tool for Sustainable Groundwater Management, Zhongmu County Alluvial Plain Aquifer, Henan Province, China. Journal of American Science,5(2) 83-90.
  • Balgah, R.A. 2007. Why forest governance and livelihoods? Hot issues 1(1),4.
  • Wanzie, C. &Balgah R.A. 2007.Cane rat farming: Conserving biodiversity and improving livelihoods. Experiences from IRAD Cameroon.Hot issues 1(1),11.
  • Fohtung, M.E. &Balgah R.A. 2007. Using clean energy for sustainable development. Hot issues 1(2),8.


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